Our Goal

Consumers, customers, and investors are anticipated to oversee and manage companies’ sustainability impacts, covering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) dimensions, in addition to their economic influence,while the suppliers are also mandated to adhere to similar protocols. This entails communicating on sustainability matters, facilitating the integration of sustainability into critical decision-making processes, and motivating collaborative partners to leverage leading practices for enhancing the social and environmental performance of the existing supply chain.

The self-assessment process serves as a valuable instrument in supply chain sustainability mechanisms. It also helps suppliers evaluate and manage their ESG policies, practices, and performance.Addressingthe issues outlinedin thisFormwouldprovide supplierswithguidance on how to pinpoint their strengths and/or the areas where there is room for improvement, effectively evaluate and manage ESG risks and opportunities, and lay the groundwork for product innovation.

The Borusan Supplier Self-Assessment Form is designed to appraise the ESG performance of Borusan’s current and prospective suppliers, determining their level of alignment with the Borusan Sustainable Procurement Approach. This initiative is aimed at assisting Borusan suppliers to efficiently manage ESG concerns and outline necessary steps for improvement.

Responses provided by suppliers will be assessed and securely stored by Borusan in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law.

For further information please click here to see the “Supplier Self-Assessment Form”.

Relevant Documentation and Definitions

Before filling in the Supplier Self-Assessment Form, it is essential that the suppliers have an understanding of:; Borusan Sustainable Procurement Policy, which outlines how sustainability issues embraced by Borusan are addressed from a procurement standpoint and highlights the considerations that Borusan suppliers need to observe in this context, and Borusan Sustainable Procurement Supplier Guide which provides further insights and guidance on the implementation principles of the Policy.

Borusan Sustainable Procurement Policy: This Policy outlines Borusan’s approach to sustainable procurement and its expectations regarding ESG issues for the entire Borusan ecosystem, encompassing Borusan employees, business partners, and suppliers.

Borusan Sustainable Procurement Guide: Complementing the Sustainable Procurement Policy, this guide delineates Borusan’s expectations from its suppliers regarding the Sustainable Procurement Levels and Related Subtopics outlined in the Policy. It provides detailed information and guidance on the implementation steps of the Policy. The Guide is intended for all current and potential suppliers of Borusan.

Borusan Group Sustainable Procurement Code of Conduct

Borusan Group may engage in partnerships with suppliers who uphold and practice the behaviors outlined in the code of conduct, in the form of their business ethics. This document outlines the essential conditions for collaboration with Borusan. By endorsing this code of conduct, our suppliers pledge to integrate these behaviors into our procurement process. Failure to comply with these practices will result in the dismissal of the supplier.


Supplier Specific Sustainable Procurement Understanding

We consider the implementation, endorsement, and dissemination of our sustainability vision and commitments by our business partners to be crucial. To advance steadfastly in this direction, we have been devising our plans with due regard for our parent organization and subsidiaries, aiming to integrate the Sustainable Procurement Policy we have formulated, with our suppliers.

The understanding of “Sustainable Procurement,” established within the Borusan framework, can be described as systematically incorporating four main focus areas (General Understanding of Sustainability, Governance Level, Environmental Level, and Social Level), along with related sub-headings and criteria groups, into organizational procurement decisions and long-term collaborations with suppliers.

Reflectingthisunderstanding,Borusan’s sustainablesupplychainmanagementisunderpinned by the implementation of a procurement policy aligned with ESG topics and adherence to the pertinent criteria within the governance scope at the initial stage.

We prioritize the following: Ensuring that our partners integrate Sustainable Procurement into their business models, • Encouraging our business partners to adopt Borusan’s corporate sustainability approach,

• Motivating our business partners to adapt compliance principles to their own operations to meet the needs and expectations aligned with our customers’ demands,

• Inspiring our business partners to undertake value creation model initiatives specific to sectoral high-risk topics in accordance with long-term goals. AtBorusan, ouraimis to ensure that our solutionpartners comprehendthe interconnectedness of environmental, social, and governance changes with the business landscape, and to advance together along our value chain, fostering a sustainable future.

In our journey towards a sustainable supply chain, we are dedicated to fostering collaborative partnerships with our suppliers. Through our Sustainable Procurement Policy and Borusan Sustainable Procurement Guide, we encourage our suppliers to join us in continuously enhancing their performance across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) levels, and to implement sustainable business practices.

We support our suppliers in this endeavor through: Collaboration

We engage with our suppliers to enhance their understanding of ESG criteria, develop responsible business practices, and guide them through the steps necessary for compliance. As part of this effort, we will be sharing our expertise through on-site visits.

We assist our suppliers in aligning with the core principles and sub-principles of the Borusan Sustainable Procurement Policy, helping them identify required actions and achieve improved conditions promptly through the Sustainable Procurement Guide.

We assess our suppliers based on the environmental, social, and governance dimensions as well as the sub-principles outlined in the Borusan Sustainable Procurement Policy and their respective sectors. We identify high-level and medium-high risk ESG issues specific to each sector, and based on these analyses, we prioritize the key ESG dimensions and sub-principles with which our suppliers need to align.

Communication and Training
To ensure our suppliers embrace the Borusan Sustainable Procurement Approach, we maintain regular communication with them. We provide recommendations for enhancing their ESG performance and help raise their awareness by providing tailored training content.

Sustainable Procurement Levels and Related Subtopics

Through the Supplier Self-Assessment Form, Borusan requests current and potential suppliers to provide information on their experience across the four-level focus areas of General Understanding of Sustainability, Governance, Environmental, and Social. These areas align with the Borusan Sustainable Procurement approach and help evaluate suppliers’ sustainability practices.


Combating Bribery and Corruption conflict of interest Unfair Competition


Legal Compliance

Data Security and Privacy


Combating Bribery and Corruption conflict of interest Unfair Competition


Legal Compliance

Data Security and Privacy

General Sustainability Understanding

Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Management


Environmental Protection and Impact

Carbon Emissions

Circularity Understanding


Human Rights and Working Conditions

Occupational Health and Safety

Equality and Inclusion

Community Relations

Sustainability Risk-Based Sectoral Assessments

Ensuring alignment with the sector and ecosystem of our suppliers is paramount to Borusan’s Sustainable Procurement Understanding. This is why, establishing the areas that entail specific risks for our suppliers to focus on under ESG headings within the context of their respective sectors and evaluating them based on these areas form the cornerstone of our Sustainable Procurement Understanding.

The Borusan Supplier Self-Assessment Form, which we require our suppliers to complete, is also developed and analyzed based on sector-specific risk assessment. All suppliers are mandated to respond to the “General Questions” and “General Understanding of Sustainability” sections in the form.

Furthermore, the risk-based assessment is conducted in view of the sectors in which our suppliers operate within the Environmental, Social, and Governance levels. These risks have been mapped according to the sub-criteria specified in the Environmental, Social, and Governance levels outlined in the Sustainable Procurement Policy and Guide. Suppliers are expected to take appropriate actions within the framework of high, medium, and low-risk areas and associated sub-criteria as defined in the table below.

We ensure that, before completing the assessment form, our suppliers comprehend and evaluate the environmental, social, and governance risks associated with the sector in which they operate using the Risk-Based Sectoral Assessment Framework.

Risk-Based Sectoral Assessment Framework

Below is an illustration for our suppliers that offer Employee Transportation services in the Vehicle Rental sector. All our suppliers can assess their sector-specific risks and requirements using this example.