With the aspiration of becoming a 200-year-old company, our mission is to generate a positive societal and global impact through our sustainable business model, configured under the value areas of Climate, Human and Innovation (i3) within Borusan. In line with our long-term objectives, we have been strategizing for a carbon-free business model. Our endeavors are guided by our focus on a human-centric corporate culture, social benefits, and innovation for sustainability. We assume responsibility and exert our utmost efforts to ensure that the environmental and social impact resulting from our current sustainability practices permeates throughout Borusan employees and across our value chain.

Within this framework, we assess the Borusan Sustainable Procurement Approach from two distinct perspectives, namely "Borusan Specific" and "Supplier Specific". We integrate the Sustainable Procurement Policy, Supplier Self-Assessment Form, and Borusan Sustainable Procurement Supplier Guide into our implementation framework to disseminate this understanding among all stakeholders.


We are committed to expanding sustainable business practices throughout our value chain, recognizing them as fundamental to fostering a better life and building a sustainable future for all our stakeholders. To achieve this goal, we urge our entire stakeholder ecosystem to adopt the same approach, emphasizing the integration of the Borusan Sustainable Procurement Policy into all decision-making processes.

This policy delineates our approach to conducting business with our suppliers and all related supply chains, aligning with the four-level focus area which consists of General Understanding of Sustainability, Governance, Environmental, and Social aspects, as part of our Sustainable Procurement approach.


We strive to ensure that the Borusan Sustainable Procurement model is appreciated, endorsed, and shared by all our business partners. For the environmental, social, and governance levels delineated in the Sustainable Procurement Guide, we have devised a control mechanism, which entails a procedure of self-declaration and transparent communication for our suppliers. Borusan reserves the right to perform inspections on its suppliers to assess their environmental, social, and governance performance either internally or by commissioning an independent organization, where necessary. Suppliers are expected to undertake three fundamental steps: internalizing the risk assessment section with a focus on their respective sectors, completing the Supplier Self-Assessment questionnaire by emphasizing pertinent topics identified in the risk assessment section, and sharing their annual development-oriented plans with Borusan representatives while executing said plans accordingly.